Keep up all you communications with a fast reliable fibre Internet service and direct connectivity right to your unit with private router and wifi signal just for you. Fibre Plus starts at 100M/100M and goes up to 1G/1G.
State-of-the-art renovated office space ideal for high tech companies and their evolving needs.
Unparalleled views of the Olympics, Cascades and the Strait o Juan de Fuca from the 4th floor.
Located in the heart of downtown near shops, restaurants, accommodations, cultural opportunities & transportation.
Quality of life in a historic seaport town less than 2 hours from the Seattle area
Rental rates significantly lower than metropolitan Seattle
Local and responsive management team to your needs
Currently available a retail unit street level
215 Taylor Street unit, it used to be a restaurant with lots of foot traffic and looking or a temp pop up shop or another permanent tenant that will enhance the line up of indoor / outdoor dinning days. $2900 + utilities and CAMs
914 Water Street unit, bright open concept commercial space suitable for gallery, retail store. $2650 + utilities and CAMs
B4 Undertown Unit, a Cozy 900 sqf retail space. 1250 + utilities
Units are available on first come first serve, call us now to book your appointment 360-531-7300